Proper storage of high-pressure boiler tubes is crucial for ensuring their quality and performance. Here are some suggestions for storing high-pressure boiler tubes, as introduced by the high-pressure boiler tube manufacturer:
Avoid exposure to harsh environments: Store high-pressure boiler tubes in a dry, well ventilated area and avoid direct sunlight exposure. Avoid exposing pipelines to damp, rainy, or dusty environments.
Maintain horizontal storage: Ensure that high-pressure boiler tubes are stored horizontally to prevent them from bending or twisting. Pipes are prone to deformation when stored vertically, especially long pipes.
Use brackets or brackets: Use suitable brackets, brackets or brackets to support high-pressure boiler pipes to prevent them from coming into contact with the ground and reduce the chance of contact with moisture or corrosive substances.
Avoid overlap: Do not stack high-pressure boiler pipes of different specifications, sizes, or materials together to prevent squeezing or scratching each other.
Regular inspection: The high-pressure boiler tube manufacturer regularly inspects the storage area to ensure that there is no accumulated water or debris to avoid corrosion or damage to the pipeline.
Use coverings: If possible, cover high-pressure boiler tubes to protect them from wind, rain, or pollutants.
Maintain a dry state: If the pipeline may be affected by a humid environment, use moisture-proof agents or heating equipment to maintain the pipeline in a dry state.
Avoid long-term storage: Avoid storage that is not in use for a long time. If it is necessary to store for a period of time, regularly inspect and ensure that the pipeline is in good condition.
Marking and recording: Mark and record the stored high-pressure boiler tubes to track their material and specification information, as well as storage time.
The correct storage method helps to ensure that the quality and performance of high-pressure boiler tubes remain as reliable as expected in the future. If high-pressure boiler tubes are damaged or corroded during storage, it may affect their performance during use, so proper storage is crucial.
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